About the Fediverse Enhancement Proposals

December 1, 2020

Fediverse Enhancement Proposals (FEP) index and discussion.


Discussing an existing FEP

FEPs are maintained in the Codeberg Fediverse-Enhancement-Proposals repository.

To each FEP there, a local topic here is indexed below. Everyone can discuss FEPs here and propose changes in the repository.

Making a New Proposal

A FEP usually follows from a conversation. Once the conversation starts shaping up, it’s time to make a formal submission. Once the newly created FEP is available from the repository, a new topic is created in the #activitypub:fep category by @activitypub.hosts.

See How to create a FEP topic

Published FEPs

Once a FEP is FINAL, the draft tag is replaced by a final tag, and the FEP content can be pasted to the first post (retaining the original link to the repository) to be published. The published page will be available at, e.g., /pub/fep-a4edc7b-the-fediverse-enhancement-proposal-process, and can be referenced in documentation.

FEP Index


The FEP Process is a living document… :speech_balloon:



Accepted Fediverse Enhancements


Currently under consideration


No FEP has been withdrawn at this time.