The latest double topic creation issue is indeed a different thing. It’s a concurrency issue caused by the fact that we often get Announce > [Activity] -> Note and Announce > Note for the same Note within miliseconds of each other. They seem to both come from NodeBB itself (@devnull?). Here’s the first 6 POSTs we received, in order, for the example @trwnh linked above
Note that the json is timestamped and logged immediately upon receipt, before any processing is applied. @silverpill I suspect this is the same concurrency issue you’ve been highlighting.
In any event, I’ve wrapped our processing in a distributed mutex to handle any such issues. So this should hopefully not recur when this is merged and deployed
I can’t speak to the practical considerations of how Mastodon handles or doesn’t handle Announce(Create(Note)) but I can at least say that with this kind of activity, you are never actually sharing the Note itself, and the shares collection on the Note will be unmodified.
Probably also a good idea to check not just Mastodon follows, but also Mastodon notifications. And in a future where Mastodon fleshes out the shares collection a little more, that would be a third consideration (does it get added to that collection)