History and Credits
As also mentioned on chat, given the requirement of an accessible dev environment (added to the wiki), I feel that as David already mentions, Haunt imho isn’t fulfilling that requirement.
But I think a proper way forward is to give credit where it is due, both to David and certainly also to @cwebber. A good way to do so is by adding a “History of ActivityPub Rocks” section to the About page, that specifically mentions the way the site was constructed, tech used, and provide a link to the repository for those who are interested. I will update the “Thoughts on Landing Page” I posted yesterday, to reflect that.
Internationalization (i18n)
I feel that - while support for i18n in the SSG is a MUST-have - maintaining actual translations is a nice-to-have. Whether language translations become available depends on community contributions. However, each language that is added is a serious increase to maintenance burden if the expectation is that they stay in sync with content changes in the primary language (English).
The approach taken depends on content strategy. It may well be that the portal only has few content, because it serves mainly to redirect people to appropriate places elsewhere on the web. Support for some of the more dominant languages is also an option, to reach good global coverage (think Spanish, Chinese, French, etc.)