🚀 ActivityPub Rocks Portal: Technical Discussion

Just got a message from Christine Lemmer-Webber from the same thread:

I’d love to see ap.rocks maintained in its Haunt form. I’m not so sure
we’re going to see it happen. It’s more important that it continues and
survives I suppose, ultimately… and the people maintaining it will
have to make the decisions on what tools they want to use.

But I will hands-down say that Haunt was an EXCELLENT environment for
writing ap.rocks. The implementation guide page especially is a great
demonstration of Haunt’s power:

ActivityPub Rocks!

Check out reports.scm:

www/reports.scm · master · Christine Lemmer-Webber / activitypub.rocks · GitLab

Pretty cool, yeah? Well, I thought so… I can’t imagine doing anything
like that as easily in any of the other static site generators I’ve

Which was autogenerated from reports that used the AP test suite (also
Guile based, and sadly long down… though someone’s been working on
reviving (and rewriting) it…)

Haunt treats a website as a program and its output as evaluating that
program. That combined with sxml is a really cool environment. Most of
the rest of the world hasn’t realized as such I guess. Oh well…


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