🚀 ActivityPub Rocks Portal: Technical Discussion

I think before talking technical options, one should first narrow down the features, one needs. If one wants to build a portal, see here, then one probably wants the following features:

  1. Automated build, deploy, etc …
  2. Automated recognition of stale links, e.g. a failing test
  3. To allow as many people to edit as possible use a simple format, e.g. Markdown
  4. To allow people to work together, the format should support good diffs in version control
  5. Finally, creating new pages should be as simple as possible, i.e. it should only require creating a file.
  6. Accessibility … :question:
  7. Internationalization … :question:
  8. Fediverse Integration … :question:

:question: points mean: Someone else should write up some minimal requirements.

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