Creating Social Knowledge Graphs by networking second brains via the Fediverse

There’s a lot to like, and I think in general your approach puts the finger on where there’s something lacking in all those many - often quite innovative - PKG projects: the space where your own knowledge touches that of others and where collab / cross-pollination may happen. And federation + linked data + personal data vaults may be the ideal technological foundation.

I wrote a small braindump of my own on this forum:

The solution you are working on would be strongest if the linkded data / AP extension vocabs would be well-defined and documented, so they describe a general Knowledge Management ‘business domain’, and can become part of a growing ecosystem of apps and projects that deal with it.

I have one point of caution, and an advise to that: Anything blockchain, cryptocurrency and DAO’s is highly controversial in Fediverse culture. Though there are fedizens that are into that space, if your solution is only perceived to be blockchain-based (whether that’s justified or not), you will lose the passion and potential contributions of a large part of fedizens, your projects be shunned and getting negative feedback (no matter whether that’s informed or not), plus the fedizens that you do deal with will be like an echo chamber with the ‘crypto lovers’.

So my advice would be to separate the parts. If you want to go DAO and blockchain, then make that a completely separetely-positioned thing. Where they can still be combined to constitute your overall diagram. Then there is another opportunity to have a second version of the diagram where the ‘blockchain parts’ are instead (platform) cooperatives, people-driven governance, and interfacing with common payment providers, etc.