FEP-8485: Unbound Actor

I would love to see support for Groups that are not tied to a particular instance as they are now.

But I feel that using “Organization” for that under the covers would be an abuse of the semantic meaning of this concept.

One thing I think would be of great benefit to the Fediverse and have posted a lot about in various threads (like in this post and one’s following) is to truly define the concept of “Community” so that we can finally decouple from the technical terminology of seeing an ‘Instance’ server boundary as being an implicit community. I.e. have a better Community abstraction than we have now.

Ideally then each fedi instance then has an endpoint where you can query about its capabilities (I think de-facto a Service actor is used for that, not sure?), but the accounts / member base can be found on one or more “Community” actors (technically a Group with some AP extensions to it) that the server exposes. And having these communities be entirely server / instance independent (should one want that), would be fantastic.

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