[2019-09-22 20:08:40+0000] Rigel Kent:
Note that the report itself cannot be updated anymore, since https://test.activitypub.rocks is down (and has been for almost a year). It cannot be used for checking compatibility automatically anymore - one has to resort to manual checking against the grid of requirements. Putting it back online would be a good improvement.
It needs to be submitted via GitHub anyway. Pleroma implementation report · Issue #307 · w3c/activitypub · GitHub Not really sure where it goes though.
Then there is https://git.feneas.org/feneas/federation/testsuite - it’s far from testing the spec, but it lays down the basis for compatibility testing.
I like your idea of adding fields to pubstrate (the soft behind https://test.activitypub.rocks) - now if there was a formal way of specifying the added fields to the protocol, that would be nice to generate the code required to check it. Maybe something like GitHub - gobengo/activitystreams2-spec-scraped: ActivityStreams 2.0 vocabulary in machine-readable form, scraped using TypeScript + cheerio?
No idea on this one, specially as I haven’t used either of the software that you mentionned.
Agreed. Simple tools, but we should showcase some examples.
I guess this could call for a (joined?) blog post or something to be put into a wiki.
@lanodan Could you expand on that with an example? Is there an issue on the NodeInfo tracker with that suggestion?
As far as I know, there is not ticket to add that in nodeinfo.
For example right now the nodeinfo of my own instance (with metadata
collapsed because it’s implementation-defined and useless here) looks like this:
"metadata": {…},
"openRegistrations": false,
"protocols": [
"services": {
"inbound": [],
"outbound": []
"software": {
"name": "pleroma",
"repository": "https://hacktivis.me/git/pleroma",
"version": "1.0.0-5137-g1cdf3cee-dev-lanodan2"
"usage": {
"localPosts": 36190,
"users": {
"total": 20
"version": "2.1"
So basically we know that the instance federates via ActivityPub and OStatus(which can be forgotten as a piece of the past) and there is some information about where to find the repository (here, my own as I have modifications).
What I think can be added could be something like this to be added into the root and so with a metadata field for the extra stuff, or directly into the root’s "metadata"
field but it would mean loosely parseable, why not either way.
"activitypub": {
"activity": ["Accept", "Announce", "Block", "Create", "Delete", "Flag", …], // https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/#activity-types
"actor": ["Person", "Application", "Service"], // https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/#actor-types
"object": ["Note", "Document", "Video", "Image", "Page", "Article", …], // https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/#object-types
"metadata": {
// Here goes non-standard ActivityPub
"http-signature-required-headers": ["date", …],
"webfinger": "optionnal"