Fediverse Marketing Group?

@indieterminacy mentioned the Tyranny of Structurelessness. I would highlight that you can market whatever you want, but if there’s no “buy in”, it is no use. These things are hardest in a “herding cats” grassroots movement. In a way it is part of its beauty and a certain resiliency comes with it.

But another aspect is that grassroots movements make themselves weak, by implicitly adopting a “we divide and be conquered” approach. All those different individualistic initiatives, that are unsustainable, don’t recognize other work or are unaware of it.

Before we talk “marketing”, maybe we should address collaborating and co-creating things. I have to say that my effort to bring more cohesion to separate small initiatives (which can fully retain their independence) is rather discouraging in the lack of follow-up. Eveyone is setting up their own shop, is my impression.

If we can’t be a “coherent thing” we have nothing to market.