Important: Feneas (Federated Networks Association) Will Shut Down

considered that it was not possible that “we” switch the DNS over 3 years and many private people are paying official ressources, I doubt it is a cost and maintenance problem – more a bottleneck problem.

I was asked multiple times to switch on the Conf 2019 page again, which I did.
Now I will pay 1 year more. While this was never the problem since I stopped funding-seeking and did an ordinary job.
The problem is just to have an accessible server and 1 A-entry … … …

Also I do not understand

to see least find a workaround before funds are depleted

The official response to the press is that this is the case.
Maybe rather a community crowdfunding for
• a server
• an explainer video as e.g. proposed in General user-focused, high-level animated Fediverse explainer video?