FEP-8485: Unbound Actor

I don’t know enough about rdf to come with something here either, but was searching for alternatives that can potentially model this or at the very least bring new ideas/perspectives. And have found AgRelOn, an Agent Relationship Ontology and the Agreements ontology . They are tangent as their usage domain is fairly different of ours.

I was unable to find a LOV that models this directed collaboration/knowledge relationship/agreement between actors/agents.

@lynnfoster and @aschrijver: I don’t really like AgentRelationshipRole requires an ID… I was playing in JSON-LD Playground and came up with this:

	"@context": {
		"@vocab": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams",
		"vf": "https://w3id.org/valueflows#"
	"summary": "!hackers@social.undefinedhackers.net links to !lug@gnusocial.net",
	"id": "https://social.undefinedhackers.net/group/hackers/relationships/123",
	"type": "Relationship",
	"subject": "https://social.undefinedhackers.net/group/hackers",
	"relationship": "vf:AgentRelationshipRole",
	"object": "https://gnusocial.net/group/lug",
	"context": {
		"vf:roleLabel": "has a link to",
		"vf:inverseRoleLabel": "has a link from"

The id of this AgentRelationshipRole would thus expressed by the Relationship Activity’s id… Would this work instead or is it too much of a stretch?

Experimenting with that:

	"@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams",
	"id": "https://social.undefinedhackers.net/activity/1337",
	"summary": "!hackers@social.undefinedhackers.net offered to link to !lug@gnusocial.net",
	"type": "Offer",
	"actor": "https://social.undefinedhackers.net/group/hackers",
	"object": "https://social.undefinedhackers.net/group/hackers/relationships/123",
	"target": "https://gnusocial.net/group/lug/relationships"