FEP-8b32: Object Integrity Proofs

Only a small number of proof suites (methods) has been standardized so far: Verifiable Credentials Extension Registry. I’m mostly improvising and inventing my own suites. If you want to create an interoperable implementation, we can discuss it here or somewhere else, but I don’t want to include non-standard proof suites in the proposal (JcsRsaSignature2022 is used in the example but without it proposal would be incomplete).

Some servers may process activities in background and respond with 200/202 before authentication is performed.

Should this be a separate section in the proposal? Efficient forwarding is not the only use case of object integrity proofs, so if we talk about this we may as well mention other use cases.

That’s a good idea. This FEP can include recommendations for dealing with rotated/revoked keys: Reuse of Identity Channel Addresses & Revocation/Reissue of Keys

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