FEP-8fcf: Followers collection synchronization across servers

Hey, thanks for this discussion. This is me responding pre-morning coffee so appreciate overlooking any poor grammar.

I have 4 objections to the regime you describe that are I think are worth acknowledging or addressing:

1. Fundamentally changing bto semantics

This is an RDF-style of objection, and I’m not an RDF-style person, so please bear with me as I attempt to (woefully, without the right vocabulary) make myself clear.

The different delivery effects of a bto field depending on the delivery method (SharedInbox is no longer stripped) results in different data outcomes: bto information is now on a peer server. While bto's textual/layman definition may still be conceptually adhered to (so users may or may not be surprised), it is now no longer adhering to the technical definition. For example, your cited B11 begins with the 9 words "bto and bcc already must be removed for delivery", so that section is completely obsolete. I get the hint that you already have some idea how it should be rewritten given you keep referencing it, but again it is not obvious to me (and I am eager for clarifications, I hope I’m not coming across as willfully obtuse).

For example, consider what would happen if a user, in their UI, added a bto recipient, and then your machine added the bto fields as part of your solution. There is not a good way to determine the "old-semantics user-added bto" versus the "new-semantics machine-added bto" data. With all these considerations, it feels like this solution is hijacking a special property for its function, and not its semantics, for a whole new purpose.

To put this objection into an easy litmus test: “Instead of using bto, could we just as easily create a new field with the desired delivery semantics?” and I have a gut feeling that it will be hard to justify why bto is specifically necessary, instead of just using a new field with the desired delivery semantics.

2. A Separation of Delivery Algorithms (Direct vs SharedInbox)

Trying to manage the delivery algorithm itself is already tough. When you make the bto semantics conditional on the delivery method ("only in SharedInbox delivery are you allowed to not-strip bto"), that is fundamentally changing the underlying delivery algorithm. As you mentioned B11, it itself cites the spec " The server MUST remove the bto and/or bcc properties, if they exist, from the ActivityStreams object before delivery" which is unequivocal: they have one meaning and it is not conditioned on any delivery method. So the spec as it is now neither has too much of a technical nor bto-semantics separation between Direct vs SharedInbox delivery.

Changing the delivery algorithm isn’t a negative alone, but considering there are other solutions which don’t invoke this kind of work to the delivery algorithm itself (which is live and serving traffic), it is by comparison a high-effort and (for those already using SharedInbox delivery) higher-risk-of-bugs kind of an engineering solution in comparison. AKA: while not impossible, the bar is high for these kinds of solutions. And I’m not convinced this line of thinking is on a path towards reaching that bar.

Note: This objection still applies even if one chooses to use a brand-new field with delivery semantics, instead of the bto field specifically. As now that special field only applies in SharedInbox delivery, which results in this objection: a separation of delivery algorithms.

3. Violates B11

I just wanted to make this objection very clear: B11 is no longer applicable for use in this solution, and my objection is for any attempts to re-use it. To paraphrase, you refer to a “clever use of B11” as a way to re-use the bto semantics and address some technical considerations. But that kind of misses the point of why B11 was originally written. It basically states: given that all bto and bcc information resides on the authoritative server and nowhere else, the power is solely and exclusively up to the authoritative server as to how to display the bto and bcc information to its end-users, and the spec-authors’ intentions are that “the authoritative server should only display it to the original author”.

So B11 ensures that the spec authors’ wishes can easily be granted because it is up to only 1 software author (the authoritative server software author) to make it so, so the software implementor themselves can have that confidence. Fundamentally, if multiple software has bto and bcc data, then their wishes cannot be granted and the software implementor themselves cannot have that confidence because it relies on the goodwill of their peers.

To put it another way with formal language: since the solution now violates the antecedent (given […]) part, the consequent no longer holds: peer servers now have > 0 bto information, and therefore the authoritative server is no longer the sole holder of such information, and therefore is not the sole and exclusive holder of power over the bto and bcc data.

Hence, my objection that the entire paragraph needs to be re-thought from the ground up, and I hope it is clear why I think simply saying “see B11” is insufficient in this case.

4. Does not generally solve the problem for all collections

Hopefully I do not need to elaborate on why messing with bto semantics results in only some collections being shared across SharedInbox are able to be synchronized (notably, followers) and is not a generic solution for any collection.

Thanks for the great discussion, and letting me take note of my objections!