First steps: Why is my profile not found on Mastodon Instances?

Thank you so much to all three of you.

It was not because of the alias. My guess: You are allowed to write it wrong, if it is not used as resource. From you I have picked up the tool jq. My hope: With this tool I will find such Copy&Past errors in the future.

@nightpool @macgirvin
It was due to the wrong content type. After I changed it, my profile was found in Mastodon instances.

I felt safe with my wrong Content-Type, because my handel was found. Now I did some research and found here that Webfinger is probably not that strict: Problems POSTing to Mastodon inbox - #14 by nightpool

I haven’t quite understood that yet. But now that it works, I’m curious to see how I get on.

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