Hello from a software developer and social adventurist

Do you have plans for Friday 6pm CEST yet? We’ll be happy to meet with you at our Fedi Hosp Ex office hours aka weekly meeting - HedgeDoc . You can also join our matrix room.

Thanks for sharing! I read it and liked very much. It’s pretty close to what one of my teams did, it was around 2012/13 that I joined that team so I wander if our tech lead new about it.

There were slight differences, we didn’t have branches (same as C4) nor used forks (different), we were pushing and rebasing directly to/on master. It was quite big team of ~30 devs and grew to ~50 working on the same codebase so by integrating often we could avoid conflicts and rework later. We also had pre-commit hook that run sanity checks on the patch before it was accepted to the master.

The other new thing to me is putting features and bugs to one box of issues presented as problem + solution. I’m used to have one backlog for them, but features were usually expressed as user stories with acceptance criteria etc and bugs are bugs. In fedihospex we have “ideas” bin so far, prioritized by user votes. Maybe both approaches are not contradictory though. I am curious to try it out, and rewrite everything to open problems.