Hi @robertwgehl, welcome to the SocialHub. It’s a great pleasure to have you aboard!
Such research is indeed needed. We’re certainly interested in hearing more about it.
I have an ethical issue with your survey though, especially with the incentive:
Will I receive payment or other incentives?
Yes. $20 Amazon gift cards will be distributed to the first 75 people who participate in this study.
Participants will be redirected to another survey where they can input an email address to receive the Amazon gift cards (not attached to participant responses).
It might look OK where you come from, but from where I sit, I saw the fortune of Amazon double during COVID-19 times while most of the world population was submitted to unheard of bad treatment. Being one of the GAFAM – which I prefer calling the GMAFIA (with the addition of IBM), Amazon remains a paragon of centralization and unfair extraction of value with bad worker treatments. I don’t know for others, but this is not the kind of incentive that appeal to me as a Fediverse netizen. Coming from you, whose work is renowned on critical studies of communication technology, it sounds dissonant.
Would you like to share more about your research incentives and where you’re headed?