Important: Feneas (Federated Networks Association) Will Shut Down

Damn. I’m really sorry this is happening :pensive: Thank y’all for all your hard work.

It looks like was one of the largest instances according to Fediverse Observer. Such a shame it’s going to be shut down. At least the point of the Fediverse is that it’s all decentralized so if one server shuts down, the others won’t be affected.

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I am afraid we are too late to salvage the ForgeFed forum discussion on Feneas. But thanks to @realaravinth the forum has been archived and can still be navigated somewhat at


I also downloaded the posts using Discourse’s API, which can be used to replay posts and contents. It may not be as seamless Discourse’s migration implementation but it can be used to preserve threads.

A copy of the downloaded data is available on the forgefriends Nextclould instance.


Also for anyone who wants to save their own data: Go to Profile > Activity and select “Download all” to get a zip-archive of your content.

I’m still wondering why the lack of response.

Probably for the same reason the org is shutting down. Nobody has the time or energy to do it.

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Welcome to SocialHub @Nyla_Smokeyface

It’s an instance of Diaspora, which only federates via the Diaspora protocol. It’s disappearance would be sad, but it’s already not reachable by most fediverse users.

Reading between the lines, Feneas folks might be talking to the user community of JoinDiaspora to see whether there are volunteers to take over hosting exenses and sysadmin/ podmin duties.

Yes, this does make the 'verse much more resilient than centralized services. But users of others services can be affected by server death, things like losing contact with people, and threads breaking due to contributing posts being on the dead server.