Lets talk about the protocol wars

The context is this video Extinction Rebellion, the-big-one: this was it - visionOntv in this context it’s relevant to the mess people have been pushing in the “protocol wars” for the last few weeks Urban Dictionary: prat

They have stopped now, so it is the time for a step back from the mess, for shovelling and composting. As, the bridges are being put into place and the signal-to-noise is being rebalanced, let’s not add more mess.

Taking quotes out of context and policing language is mess to compost, let’s focus please.


For a lot of #fashernistas in our spaces, things only matter if they come from #mainstreaming this is obviously crap blinded behaver – but it’s hard to communicate why, likely they can’t see us.

Well, more like they walk right past us looking the other way and takes the big bundle of bills from capitalism.

It’s a mess to be composted.

“It’s a mess to be composted,” a metaphor that the problem is deep and systemic, and requires a significant amount of effort and time to address. Composting involves breaking down organic matter into nutrient-rich soil, which can then be used to grow new plants. In this case, the metaphor implies that the current system of valuing mainstream sources over alternative perspectives needs to be broken down and transformed into something new and more sustainable.


UPDATE from the #openweb
My guess is no one actually discusses how it might be solved. One problem is figuring out a way to work with them, without them subsuming. Which apparently no “normal” people want to accept. And when they say they do, they don’t realize they actually still don’t.