Meeting with editors and their questions

Well, maybe a misunderstanding, of course the JSON-LD on the pages will contain anything in the semantics and concepts of a domain.
@pukkamustard described it in Structured Data for google: Murmurations protocol for directories and maps - #3 by pukkamustard

And in case of public content we use it with the full context of all our known vocabularies.

btw: I have created a minimized version of the LD context for ActivityPub clients: widgets-preview/index.ts at f8f96fb97cd8b7ccc2dabfcafc57d8c0c59967e5 · redaktor/widgets-preview · GitHub
This expands to the bare context with children which can be used for Miller-Columns or Trees in posting interfaces, demo

So, for redaktor anything is fine.
The headlines example will have the first (or only) headline as the main one …

It is just that I do not consider the fact that any Creative Work has at least 2 different locations
“Where was the image taken?” Earth, e.g. latitude longitude
“What does the image show?” Moon
[or think of paintings]

So, it is exactly right that we can specify multiple locations in ActivityPub but what I would do to express is (see @context)

location: [
  {type: ['Place', 'schema:contentLocation'], ...},
  {type: ['Place', '']}

But this works only per schema @type and not per property.
So usually this works but in this case the property contentLocation must be an array of Place at the same level than location in ActivityPub …

So, I guess, it is better to explicitly specify it in the LD context and other implementations will ignore it (if they do not consume vocabulary foo [here schema…]) –

On the other hand: Is it more domain specific than e.g as:sensitive which mastodon specified as extension?
The spec. clearly says

consuming implementations that support the Place object must support the use of these properties.

And that does not make sense in terms of any creative work if we do not know which Place is meant … So, it would be an easy extension like …

location: [
  {type: ['Place', 'as:ContentLocation'], ...},
  {type: ['Place', 'as:LocationCreated']}

The underlying problem is that I can specify locations per Activity and per Object.
So, if I would have an additional Activity, which is ContentCreated anything here would be fine anyway but Created is

Indicates that the actor has created the object .

And that usually happens at a third location, at home at my computer …

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