Modeling the Social Benefit of Fediverse Actors

Yes, Solid is weirdly and worryingly targeted in large part to commercial markets. They OSS everything (MIT) but no copyleft FOSS in there. This is a focus in the core team I think, which seem to see the corporate world as the best way to broad adoption. Something which I highly doubt is a prudent strategy and have also discussed that on the forum in the past and that I felt that the core team has a kind of “ivory-towery” approach, too formal structure, and are neglecting community-building (and neglecting that forum with that). But also it is on that forum where I found devs with the proper values and free software mindset, and was hoping to interest these to cross-community collaboration.

@bhaugen and @lynnfoster, both of Valueflows, are most qualified to answer that. From what I’ve seen they are firmly on a post-capitalist “new way of doing things” exploration that has great appeal to me.

Don’t know the full implications of NonCommercial license myself (wonder if Solid folks are even aware it is used there), but I think it applies purely to your posts. Not sure if mere mentioning idea there for the first time means that it can no longer be used commercially.

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