Organizing for SocialHub Community Empowerment

Hi @Andrii. Please note that you are quoting from text that someone else (Rysiekúr) tooted, in a long fediverse discussion that indirectly triggered creation of this topic. Deep discussions and opinions about these subjects are way beyond the scope of this particular topic, and I kindly request you to stop trying to broaden the discussion to “the matters of the world”.

Here is once again what this topic is about:

  • A funded foundation to the SocialHub community (i.e. just the 400 members of this forum)
  • That takes care of the community empowerment (for and on behalf of these members)
  • Doing the chores to encourage and stimulate collaboration and cooperation (between members)
  • Fostering healthy growth (of the SocialHub community and the technology base it evolves)
  • Helps with both internal & external advocacy (based on the technology focus of this community)

And as I already explained you on the other thread when it comes to politics / public opinion / culture there is a narrowing - in a spectrum ranging from deeply involved to as-neutral-as-possible - when going from: Fediverse → SocialHub → Foundation.

This community evolves technology standards and the applications that build upon them. With that - until the SocialHub community decides differently - it is not a political action group of any kind. And even then the foundation does not take charge - as the members are in control - but merely adopts the stance upon which there is community consensus.

I’ll repeat from what I wrote before:

This is my opinion of what I think would work best foundation-wise.