Standardizing on ActivityPub Groups

Some input scraped from this forum…

@Sebastian in the past has created a ‘group topic’ :wink: that groups prior group discussions: How to use Groups

The ongoing groups implementation discussion was recently picked up by @macgirvin for implementation in #software:zap based on @grishka’s FEP draft. See Groups implementation - #70 by macgirvin

Unburdened by lotsa AP expertise I am broaching the subject of Standardizing on a common Community domain as AP extension? Community is something I need in the future, also based on groups, and imho valuable for fedi as a whole. I haven’t deep-dived the subject yet, nor analysed all existing group implementations.

In my - most possibly naive - view I consider a community network to consist of “Groups that maintain a Collection of Relationships to other Actors”.

  • A Group (the Community) maintains a collection of Relationships to other Actors.
  • The relationship property describes the nature of the relationship to the Community.
  • There can be multiple relationships to the same actor. Some types can be standardized, others custom / app-specific. An example of a standardized relationship vocabulary is PURL’s, but there are more.