Problem: Network-level moderation of content on federated networks leads to fragmentation and lower total value for users

Me too. A great moderation tool. Imagine every decent person on the Fediverse having to manually block every single troll or Fascist. And normally doing [this after] they did their destructive work.

It is a bit more primitive, one member of the group has to suffer, which is an improvement over everyone suffering and wasting their precious short time on Earth. But is has similarities: You operate Block Together as a group and for me personally the list was a bit longer than necessary, but that is life. That is comparable to joining or hosting a certain instance and you can choose or start some hellish server with inadequate moderation.

Splitting networks has only happened between Nazis and decent people. I like that; normally I also do not hang out with Nazis.

I feel the main arguments I made were ignored.