Proposal: The browser as a client with a new web standard- cross- instance interactions on the web

I started a PoC, all open source here: Web Activity Pub (WebAP) API · GitHub
As an attempt to gatter interest and drvie adoption, the first step will be to create a Browser Extension (webap-browser-extension) which will expose an experimental implementation of the WebAP API to web applications.
One of the many challenges is the lack of support for C2S on Mastodon, so I’ll be using Pleroma for testing.
My ginea pig as a consuming web application is likely going to be, as they are anyway “running with scissors”. I’d have to implement support for even showing episode comments, but that could be fun.
There is one blocker for that though, the necessary data is not yet exposed to the API used by website, and that one is, to my best knowledge, not open sourced yet.
Let’s see where it goes :grinning:.