Service back up! Or why we need more admins

Admin requirements

  1. Know *NIX, especially a bit of basic sysadmin (Debian, bash, sudo, troubleshooting)
  2. SSHing (we use ed25519 keys with strong passphrases)
  3. Know Discourse (to be able to upgrade from the console or run tasks)
  4. Be discreet and never peek at people’s data.
  5. Knowledge or Ruby and Rails a plus.

Time constraints

  • Once in a while (it takes minutes to hours a month).
  • If we’re enough people: we can cover the timezones for rapid action.

Once we have a sysadmin team

We can work on making the service more automated, scalable.
We can eventually improve the service (e.g., plug into the Github issues, plug into the Fediverse using a custom ActivityPub plugin for Discourse that we’ve been willing for a while)
Maybe the ActivityPub plugin thing is orthogonal to sysadmin though… :wink: