Be CareFOO!
Happy to introduce the “Care FOO” policy! Please take the time to read it thoroughly.
We Care For Our Own
Members of the Social Web Incubator CG agree to abide by the W3C Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.
On top of this, we acknowledge that Web and communication technologies are inherently political and can be used to cause harm, against the intent of the original creators. We recognise power imbalances already endemic in the tech industry, and in Social Web systems in mainstream use. With that in mind, we do not welcome participation (however polite) by contributors to projects which are designed or primarily used for:
- oppression, or encouraging oppression, of vulnerable people or minority groups.
- planning, encouragement of or inciting violence against vulnerable people.
- promoting fascism, nazism or other authoritarian systems and practices.
- perpetuating, promoting, or enacting systematic injustices, such as racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia.
We are vigilant for the use of imagery, language and dogwhistles related to such behaviours. We reserve the right to exclude projects which tolerate such behaviours within their communities, or have not made a good faith effort to discourage such behaviours.
The intent of this policy is not to exclude wholesale any developers involved with projects or communities who unknowingly interact with bad actors, or who are struggling to or unable to eliminate behavior that goes against this policy in their wider communities. Similarly, we do not expect developers of open source projects to be responsible for every installation or fork of their codebase and will of course take the realities of this into account when making any moderation decisions.
SocialCG chairs and forum administrators may use their discretion to remove posts or suspend user accounts. SocialCG chairs may similarly refuse access to or remove individuals from virtual meetings.
Active stage
The policy is now active, from 2021-02-18T23:00:00Z.
Policy Details
It does concern you!
Following intense discussion during the proposal phase @rhiaro updated the Policy to make it clear we are not trying to place unreasonable burdens on developers or other participants in open source communities who can’t be held responsible for actions of wider communities or other users of their projects.
The policy above is destined to anyone willing to become a member of the SocialHub community, and applied here to @trust_level_1 – a group you’re automatically part of when you spend a few minutes reading around…
Here’s how it plays…
Once you’re in this group, you will receive a weekly reminder until you accept or refuse the policy.
You can simply click the “I agree to abide by these rules” button to accept the policy. If you want to refuse the policy, you first have to click the same button, and then the “I disagree and will go elsewhere” button.
- Accounts with no policy agreement or with disagreement will be suspended indefinitely.
- Accounts who do not abide by these rules will be removed as well.
Proposal stage
The proposal stage got some intense discussion which is now archived at