SocialWebFoundation - what do people think?

Let’s try a right-wing metaphor:

Well, this playground is full of noise.

In this noise the is much sense, but no grown up action, in a children’s playground it is the adults that are in control, the binding, the ones who make the decisions.

The children play, yes with noise and creativity, true, which can be beautiful to see.

But this playground noise has little relevance to the world of adults who do the work of change and challenge, so the children can be free to play.

OK, that’s a right-wing view, how to bridge this to a left wing path, you can find grounded thinking, plans and native projects linked from that balance this mess we make.

Back to the right-wing metaphor. The subject of this thread the #SWF are grown-ups, yes there are real questions, if we trust the path they are taking, but it’s the only grown up path, we are the children in the playground here.

END right wing metaphor.

Q. Do you guys prefer the cats metaphor or the child and playground metaphor, which one do you think could work its way around #geekproblem and hyper individualism (#stupidindividualism) #blocking of the change and challenge we URGENTLY need