Stricter specifications for pagination of Collections and OrderedCollections

An example of what I’m suggesting (outbox, partial update):

  "id": "https://example.test/update-1",
  "type": "Update",
  "object": {
    "name": "My added name",
    "content": "My updated content",
    "summary": null
  "target": "https://example.test/object-1"

This activity instructs the server to apply the update (the direct “object”, an anonymous resource) to the indirect “target” object. It’s consistent with the quotes above and it has an advantage over:

  "id": "https://example.test/update-1",
  "type": "Update",
  "object": {
    "id": "https://example.test/object-1",
    "name": "My added name",
    "content": "My updated content",
    "summary": null

because the linked data integrity is not broken with the overloading of the semantics of an “id” property to be a “target” reference. In the second example, the IRI “https://example.test/object-1” is associated with two different objects: the one in the Update activity and the existing object. If you consider the activity as part of a linked data (RDF) graph, my point may be more clear.

Yes, but those are client-specific implementation details outside the scope of the AP specification.