The Process/Platform Isn't "Working"

Cooperation is a hard process to solve in a social world that pushes competition as “common sense” this non consensed fep process is the #geekproblem trying to mediate this hard process.

To actually, honestly, make this work, you would need to nurture a wider social change/challenge community. This we have not done over the last few years, instead we have been actively (with nasty “common sense” behaver) #blocking this obviously hard and needed process.

It’s not obvious at this stage of fast #mainstreaming of our openweb tech that anything can be done now? Ideas please (and please, I should not need to say this, in general don’t be a prat in replies, thanks)

A path

Issue within the fediverse community regarding the handling of problematic behavior or interactions on the platform. A breakdown of the key points:

  1. Problem with Blocking: That simply blocking users or instances (such as the #dotcons) is not an effective long-term solution to fostering a healthy and diverse community within the Fediverse. Blocking is “putting your head in the sand,” implying that ignoring or isolating problematic elements doesn’t resolve underlying issues.
  • Advocating for Openness: Emphasizes that the Fediverse should remain true to its principles of openness (#4opens), which allow anyone, including controversial entities like the #dotcons, to participate. This openness is a positive aspect of the openweb.
  • Building a Healthy Culture: Rather than relying on blocking, we need to advocate for actively building a healthy culture within the Fediverse. This involves nurturing diversity of tools and fostering a community where constructive engagement and dialogue can thrive.
  • Need for Engagement and Solutions: The importance of proactive engagement and problem-solving. we need to warn against passivity (“hiding in a cave”) and encourages efforts to address challenges head-on to create a stronger and more resilient ecosystem.

Overall, a call for constructive action within the Fediverse community, moving beyond simple blocking measures and instead focusing on building a robust and inclusive platform that aligns with its core values of openness and diversity. With an emphasis on proactive engagement, collective responsibility, and continuous improvement to create a healthier online and offline environment.