2021-05-01 Fediverse Interest Group Meeting

Minutes draft

duration 1:20

@hamishcampbell @datatitian Paul Fuxjäger @grishka @tuttle @Sebastian

Hamish Campbell (OMN) @hamishcampbell

am working on these idea/project http://hamishcampbell.com/2021/05/01/from-chaos-comes-order/ would like to talk about this briefly today.
[Hamish walks us through the blog post]

This project treats activitypub more like peertube uses it - as a pipe.
It is about content curation and content management.
More content/topic based than Actor centric like mastodon.

Could do with some help to think this through and define some terms.
The actors are the values/filters of the pipe - to sive the flow.

We exchanged some questions about technical details and about the protocol it was mentioned that
An Object can be an Actor of e.g. type Service
And the concept of “relay Actors” was described (see also gup.pe below)

@tuttle showcased FediHealth with a walkthrough and demo
[shows repo]

“moderation of nodes is a good idea”
Some nodes are healthy, some nodes are not.
Make a list of the nodes whos’ federation policies you trust .
[people write instances in shared note]

This ended in a working demo. Some nodes do not support it and are mentioned in an error report,
and then visualised the federation policies of other nodes.
tuttle mentions networks of trusted nodes and the importance for schools and covid …

“Matrix wrote a post about distributed moderation in a federated context” Designing decentralized moderation | by Jay Graber | Medium

/me mentioned Cristina DeLisle
“so when you as an admin were peering with another instance you are showing your set of values, and if that other instance believes that they are sharing those values, that instance can peer with you”

[Let’s work on …]

@datatitian gives an overview of the ActivityPub Tools which he created:

Guppe Groups
It is an ActivityPub subset with
“Discovery”, 1 inbox/outbox,

It autocreates a Group Actor when people mention a new group,
people can follow it and it relays the posts (‘forwards’ them to the followers)

microservices like this can add nice functionality …

Modular implementation of the ActivityPub decentralized social networking protocol, written for NodeJS as ExpressJS [server] middleware. Includes a interchangable storage interface with a default MongoDB implemenation.


It is 3d, for VR devices but not limited to, default is Mozilla Hubs
ActivityPub runs in parallel, you can follow, see where your friends are, chat, share selfies etc.
We are a legal cooperative …

Also interesting: The reciprocal auth setup
In immers.space, you can take your account to each other world, bring your name, avatar and friends list with you

Any suggestions for above welcome …
Now we opened the session to talk about Capability Negotiation as described in the announcement.
The 2nd part of the log will be a wiki post so that everybody can add notes or proposals …