A Welcome Bot for the Fediverse

That is a completely different problem, and could be build. Please continue, what would you like to tell someone that makes their first post on mastodon.social?

Actually @tchambers, could such a bot be integrated in your spread mastodon campaign?

I am not the one that posed this idea, but I could brainstorm a bunch of ways in which this bot might be helpful. Though actual frequently asked questions might be used to figure that out.

On the fediverse-idea I added a comment. It might be fun to get some people together and think together about some good bot dialog to add.

I responded to this point by distinguishing between things that are universal in the 'verse, and things that are implementation specific. See the lists of examples in my comment.

The whole idea was to help with on-boarding.
At this point i think an account like Fedi.Tips (@feditips@mstdn.social) - Mastodon šŸ˜ largely fills the role of Guide for new users.

But otherwise, I generally favour a more Human Centred on-boarding, specific to the community and software of the instance.

The person operating the @feditips is a good example ofā€¦

I canā€™t speak for them but Iā€™m guessing they would also love to have the more basic, repetitive aspects of this work automated. Especially if we get hit with another wave of exponential growth.