Hi pfefferle! Have you done any thought already about designing tools to integrate AP with a Buddypress based Wordpress installation? I feel like this might have a large impact, perhaps even moreso than with individual blogs.
There are Buddypress sites that are dedicated to open source academics or “digital humanities” , a good example is hcommons.org or my personal passion project, poetry.garden – for decentralized literature publishing.
The customization that wordpress offers – templating, themes, etc… – to Buddypress social media networks, would quickly make it a powerful force in popularizing the fediverse, I believe – as it would open doors for the increased accessibility for developping unique products on the Fediverse network.
I am using your plugin on my site already, and I am working on trying to modify it for a Buddypress installation, but running into some major challenges. I plan to continue working on it, and I would be delighted at the opportunity to collaborate with anybody on here.
Thank you!