[Announcement] The first rdf-pub release "Pre-Alpha 2022 I" is available

See: linkedopenactors / rdf-pub · GitLab

I rely a lot on your feedback, so please check it out, test it, play with it. Ask me anything that comes to your mind so I can improve the documentation and create a FAQ.

rdf-pub is an activity-pub server implementation, that is not limited to the activity-stream vocabulary, but supports RDF per se.

There is currently a problem with the documentation of different branches. current doc is (for the moment) here: actvity-pub server implementation


the doc problem is even bigger ,-(
Please use this link in the meanwhile:

The test system is up and running !


  1. How to register a user for the test system
  2. After we created a user we can play with the rdf-pub test system.
    First steps. Using the rdf-pub test system with postman.

New rdf-pub version is available rdf-pub:0-0-4.
It’s tested with

There are ~30.000 Publication of the “kartevonmorgen” in the triple store, that can be SPARQL queried.
Use this endpoint: https://rdfpub.test.opensourceecology.de/camel/asPublic/sparql

Sample Query: Yasgui - Triply

From an activityPub perspective its boring, because each kvm entry has ist’s own create activity.
List of activities: Yasgui - Triply

There is currently a problem, the activities/objects that was posted to the public collection are only accessible via sparql ;-(

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There is a new snapshot version available now, where the access problem should be fixed.
The default response content type is now text/html, so you can easily get an easy html version of rdf-objects.


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