Ha ha ha, indeed. That is studid of me, because I hadn’t noticed and forgot to double-check. Sorry to give you a scare. I got sucked in the big HN thread about Basecamp and then thought “Oh, I should not forget to give a heads-up on the rebranding”. But naming is appropriate satire indeed, given all the fuss on what’s happening over there
yes, I did not post it.
The joke is probably about the time when basecamp retired campfire and put a worse replacement in the core service. I just wanted to say that I am more worried that e.g. basecamp employeers are forbidden to speak about politics than about monetary incentives which is what the NYT thing is about.
to be clear, you posted your sentence to the wrong person.
btw: Exactly in the time where your group has its meeting and after the author made clear it is satire, Chuzpe …
Here I posted a very serious NYT article because I have friends who worked for basecamp.
Now Arnold asks you, if he should delete the satire he posted and you do not answer …
Please do also note not to exchange satire and misinformation.
The first is a very old journalistic ressort. I like the joke and do not think, Arnold should delete it.
and also it raises awareness now that vocabulary like
“bonfire” or “campfire” can either be abused by hypercapitalistic monopolies or be for the benefit of the commons.
And it might be nice if @mayel would demo bonfire at campfire after the pandemics.
Made an indiewebcamp at campfire once …