Can you hear me Fediverse?

Btw, for Discourse to Discourse federation it’s best to switch the publication type to Article so you don’t get parsed content (all content will just appear in full).

It will mean that the objects will appear as links on Mastodon, but this is a forum after all.

Yeah, perhaps something that could be added. Note that this would probably have to be targeted at Announces (i’ll use the standard terms instead of Mastodon’s) by Persons, and still accept Announces from Groups, as that is how some Forum actors (e.g. Lemmy and Discourse) share Objects with Followers.


Both SocialHub and TALER ICH are running the latest discourse-activitypub versions. Enjoy!

Discuss this on our forum.


@how @angus Could you make this topic federated: ID normalization?

Done! I’ve added a federated tag to this site. Any topic with that tag will be federated.


Thank you!
This post is now attributedTo a tag actor. I also noticed that other top-level posts (e.g. in FEP category) are represented in a similar way. Is that intentional? Lemmy and NodeBB attribute top-level post to a Person actor, not to a Group.

Yeah, if the taxonomy has “First Post Only” enabled (meaning only the first post in each topic in that taxonomy will be federated, then content is intentionally attributed to the taxonomy itself instead of the user. This allows for the use case where you have an “Announcements” category or similar you will federate content as the Group actor (which is normally what people want in that scenario). In the Discourse plugin, the “standard” use case you’re referring to is the publication type “Full Topic” (which is what all the other actors on this site are set up as).

In this case, the reason the tag was initially set up as “First Post Only” was because there is an admin topic control that allows you to force-publish a topic, even if it’s already posted (as was the case here), however to reduce complexity that feature was initially restricted to “First Post Only” taxonomies. So I initially set up the tag like that, (followed it) and published the topic to make that work. I’ve since switched the tag to “Full Topic” which is what most people will expect in this scenario. If someone replies to that topic, the reply will be processed.

Actually, since doing that, I’ve already made a note to remove that restriction on the force publish feature (i.e. to allow for it for Full Topics), which I’ll be pushing soon. So in short, that’s intentional, and the need for it in this case was a temporary practical one.