Change redaktor-me category accessiblity?

(Moved from Improving fediverse culture and social behavior)

@Sebastian it is an elaborate write up of options. But note that the #software:redaktor-me category is closed for other people to post to.


This is my question from one week ago.
It should be open!
I replayed it now and think it happened after the last socialhub major update:

When I want to edit the general settings for the category, it directs to
and then my browsers crash …

I want to do a short summary about the follow up meeting and an AP workflow for

“so when you as an admin were peering with another instance you are showing your set of values, and if that other instance believes that they are sharing those values, that instance can peer with you”

Until the issue above is resolved I go on in this thread now.

I’m sorry but I do not understand what is being discussed here. I am not involved in this discussion.

I think they’re mentioning you for help with the other topic not allowing other users to post

Arnold said, the redaktor category is closed now
When we talked about the software categories being closed.
Anyway, I don’t mind either cause as said, I can’t change it.

Do you want it open to all?


This must be 20 char. min, so: cheers!

And btw, I am sure this did not happen in the beginning.
Maybe I should open an issue at discourse …

Ah, yes I remember what happened. I had taken the habit of granting software categories to the dedicated group, and someone else removed groups where everyone had all powers, actually removing the group’s capability to edit the category. I think this is now back to normal, at least for you @Sebastian.

If someone else has this issue for their category, please tell so Staff can fix it.

BTW thank you @aschrijver for extracting this request from the original discussion, it was much easier for me to capture, although with some delay. :slight_smile:

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