Starting 2019-09-19T21:59:00Z I will go on Climate Strike with my organization: our services will be shut down for one full week. As this forum is not open yet it makes not much difference whether we shut it down or not. But I’m willing to leave it alone so that others can catch up and get ready for an official launch soon.
We should set a launch date so that we can announce publicly and gain traction and momentum. You’re welcome to discuss this here. The #todo list still has some items…
Already some topics and categories have been posted, but so far I’ve done most of the work of porting on my own, so I would appreciate that others chime in! Especially there are a number of groups and roles to fill as described in the wiki (hint hint): Things to be done before announcing the forum.
Many thanks to you, early birds, who came from or from APConf.