COCOLight , our new light weight multiserver client as a federated communecter Reader

Hi freindly fediverse
We are happy to finally present a new starting point for the communecter stack, thanks to an great FOSS NGI funding by nlnet we are happy to announce our new baby client called cocolight :

  • build with REACT components
  • works offline as PWA
  • accepts multi servers (only communecter instances for the moment) you can switch from one to another and read and post to the platform instances of your choice
  • Fully Fediversed , we continued connecting all this to the Fediverse for multiple Objects like :
  • Following anyone in the Fedi
  • create and read Fedi News Feeds
  • connect and create federated Projects ping @leatherface
  • create federated Organizations and communities ??
  • share and participate in federated Events (tested with Mobilizon) ping @mobilizon
  • create and share federated Open Badges (tested between Communecter instances ) ping @dajbelshaw
    For those who allready have a communecter account simply try it out here :
    You can also install a client on your own server
    and here’s a user guide
    Still so many ideas to come but it’s a buge leap into simplicity for communecter and Open Atlas.
    I propose a small conference presentation call about it, on monday 10 febuary 10h UTC+1 (Paris Time) it’s open call, here for all and we would love to meet
  • people from FediTest to help interoperability with other Fedi Platforms
  • Open Badges
  • Federated project , organizations and events
  • Talk with other fedi plateforms for how we can make interonnections easier
    There’s also a cocolight Matrix Chat to exchange on
    We are still testing everything as much as possible, so please share anything strangeness, bugs and ideas

Congratulations @oceatoon! :partying_face:

I’m off out for the evening, but I’ve created an account, and look forward to investigating more tomorrow. Thanks for the ping :slight_smile:

COCOLight is a great initiative, and I am delighted about the direction in which you are thinking to provide solutions, directly serving people in local communities and connecting them using decentralized social web technologies. This direction has my great interest as well.

I would notify you about the work Sirius is doing with a group of fellow communication students, working on Paranova. They are looking for input on integrating Open Streetmap with @mobilizon.

Sirius can be reached in social experience design chatroom, where he announced the forum post in this comment, and we are discussing now.