Continuing the DoOcracy

Hi @dansup :wave:

I just saw your toot about prepping for a launch. We discussed in the past ideas/plans you have to open up this initiative and get a community of collaborators going for its further improvement and extension.

It looks like there’s many points where can hook into the new initiative of @gabek and @j12t to launch and crowdsource its contents. From a FediDB app entry you might jump into techdocs for that app at FediDocs, for instance.

Providing such cross-initiative links would be very beneficial to the Cohesion of the Grassroots Fediverse.

I just created a plea to the FediDocs initiative to minimize the fragmentation of our still tiny developer community in FediDocs let's bundle forces, and not fragment further! And the same appeal applies to FediDB, which can also have a FediDB dedicated forum category and repo’s under with its own teams and membership.

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