Following Developers Meeting 2 : Groups : the next meethe next meeting will be in 1 week:
- 4pm UTC
- 11am EST
- 8am PST
with an open end.
As decided at the last meeting, the main topic is Groups.
- 5min : 40s-introductions/reintroductions
- [intervention] It was just confirmed that Russia is disconnecting from the global Internet (as it happened in Iran or North Korea before) – and this will already start in 7 days, we could quickly talk about if anything or what this means for federation (also regarding state censorship).
Call For Proposals
Please reply below to propose an agenda item. Please consider doing some ahead-of-time work to articulate the item, and linking it in your proposal so others can come prepared to build consensus or raise objections that we can discuss in our limited time together.
Example Agenda Proposal
Actor (@userOrFediHandle)
Read this for more on agendas.