Hey folks, we at Distributed Press have been working on making a bridge between peer to peer or “dweb” protocols and ActivityPub implementations over the past year and wanted to solidify our approach so that others can interoperate.
Here’s is an initial draft explaining our work. We also have some live sites and implementations linked from there for those curious to try them out.
For anyone attending DWeb Camp in August, my colleagues will be there to chat about it in person if you’re curious.
This issue supersedes the previous one so that I may edit the OP post.
For context on Mauve’s related work, particularly for folks less familiar with the P2P cinematic universe, see:
(I’m president of the fanclub)
I’m curious what @SoniEx2 would have to say about this proposal, since this is maybe the lowest-level at which “multihoming” could be architected and might be a better fit for their model (as I understood it) than the HTTPS-based “independent actor” identity approach.
(I also wonder, @codenamedmitri , what it would look like for “independent actors” hosted over HTTPS to accomodate this form of multihoming-- perhaps it’s easier to detach the two problems and let multihoming be the killer feature that existing implementations don’t have to implement if they just implement the smaller lift of externally-hosted actors
This looks more or less how we’d do it. However, we’d like to see an example of accounts existing across domains, not just across protocols, and including the possibility of separate inboxes.
I think you forgot the link?