FYI: W3C Invites Implementations of VC Data Integrity, etc

Full title: W3C Invites Implementations of VC Data Integrity, Data Integrity EdDSA and ECDSA Cryptosuites, and VC JSON Schema

Deadline: 2024-01-23T23:00:00Z

Direct links to test suites:

This is relevant to FEP-8b32


EdDSA Cryptosuite test suite

You will need an issuer and verifier that are compatible with VC API and are capable of handling issuance and verification of Verifiable Credentials with DataIntegrityProof proof type using the eddsa-2022 cryptosuite.

Too complicated. I think I’ll skip that.

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Just for my references:

Status of eddsa-jcs-2022 is in question.

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