Hospitality exchange community considers moving to the fediverse ;)

Like @how I am equally thrilled. There’s huge potential in this space in federated context, and it is delightful to see you intend to give this a broad approach.

Hopefully all other parties mentioned in the GH issue - TrustRoots, WelcomeToMyGarden, Couchers, and Cycle Planet - will also join you on this quest. I would greatly encourage you to invite members from all those projects to join SocialHub, as it is the best place to discuss common ground for modeling interoperability in the federated Hospitality domain.

Can affirm that. Personally - with a background in Humane Tech Community I see Fediverse as a playground for humane technologists who want to create supportive tech that is of true value to humans and humanity.

As @how well describes the social aspects, the people, and their communities are central to our efforts. With what we are building I see an analogy to Spiral Island. But we haven’t reached our full potential yet, by a long stretch. After years of focus mostly on Microblogging, now different application & business domains are being introduced. Hospitality being the most recent example of that.

I’d like to point you to some topics on this forum that are relevant to think more deeply about:

  • Community, community, community… an ever-returning concept. The “Community has no Boundary” paradigm contains first steps to model this on the Fediverse.

  • With Communities a given, now comes the question: How do they organize and relate to each other based on that? In What would a fediverse "governance" body look like? we just started exploring the Governance domain, extending Community.

  • What does ActivityPub et al offer us? Interoperability and integration may go well beyond separate applications and server instances. From silo-first to task-oriented federated app design explores this concept.

  • Linked Data vocabulary extensions are a good fit to model your Domain. And a great methodology and process to discover Hospitality domain models is strategic Domain Driven Design. In post United Software Development: A new paradigm? - #9 by aschrijver and onwards I explain DDD concepts in context of Fedeproxy project, a different domain.

  • Going beyond strategic DDD, you might apply it tactically and all the way into code and tests. The Hospitality domain seems like a good fit to do this with. DDD / CQRS / ES / Actor model / Clean architecture / BDD → they might help to create very extensible, modular and maintainable codebases. See e.g. Event Sourcing the ActivityPub Server

In addition to openEngiadiana and Bonfire I recommend looking at @cjs Go-Fed implemented in easy-to-learn Golang. The go-fed libraries support domain-specific AP vocabulary extensions defined as OWL, for which subsequently Go code is generated. I intend to use these myself for my - yet to be publicly announced - Groundwork project (but spending most spare time still on fedi advocacy :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: )

(PS. I will copy most of this message to the Github issue for reference)

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