Template and back end work on the epicyon https://epicyon.net/ activertypub code base to make a village/street level indymedia news site based on the OMN project.
We plan to get a test activertypub news site online by the end of the week, if your not sure how it should work watch the video The reboot of the indymedia project - ConfTube
Add or check emoji. Many are implemented, but it might not be very comprehensive.
Figure out the workflow for incoming moderated posts.
Artwork for themes. Backgrounds, banners, icon sets, fonts. Get as creative as you want. Instance appearance doesn’t retain users but it’s an initial “this might be interesting” sign.
Fix polls, which currently don’t work very well. How are polls supposed to work at the protocol level?
Add or fix translations. Translate the website or the Gemini site.
Testing with i2p. Are there any new bugs?
Change the way that events are displayed, also ideas for how rsvp should be implemented. Is there any consensus on this?
We need to think about a database driven activertypub code base for bigger sites as well