Mastodon monoculture problem

It is why I said “nearing”. I might make reference to my comment in Towards ActivityPub 2.0 and comments in Fediverse Devs chatroom, i.e. could we make ActivityPub less of a “framework” as Dennis Schubert put it and more of a set of constituent parts where we have:

  1. a wire protocol based on a simple mail analogy
  2. the analogy of an actor model to exchanging messages
  3. linked data based extension mechanism for message formats

1-2-3 … could this lead to a very basic, easy-to-understand, easy-to-use, and very flexible foundation for the Social Web? How KISS can these components be?

The gist is that as a starting point:

  • Implementing ActivityPub should make more sense than implementing Mastodon-flavoured AP.