Meeting notes for prep call EC Webinar 19 April

Definitely heading in the right direction - much more on the Why (they should care) and less on the What (protocols, etc.).

One remark is that there’s no real “action takeaway” - what do we suggest the audience do with this information when the webinar’s over? Assuming you’ve convinced them that the Fediverse is a Good Thing deserving their support, how can they support it? Ideally, of course, they come up with some ideas themselves, but it wouldn’t hurt to have a few answers ready if they ask.

And a couple of specific remarks.

  • “reaching their audience” is not a sellable benefit, as their audience is currently on Facebook. Using Fediverse servers is something they need to do despite this, as part of their support (see above).
  • the EC already uses and contributes to Drupal (I actually had a hand in that, many years ago), and it’s what they use to publish news and other content types
  • internal microblogging: they used to use Yammer, and now have moved to Teams. It will be difficult to wean them off that, particularly DIGIT, who last year tried to kill off a Drupal communities project I helped launch in favour of Teams
  • I’m missing EC legal issues - eg EC Directive on transparency - which could support the idea of the EC supporting Fediverse. EC activity on social media, particularly Facebook, opens them to the accusation of being lobbied un-transparently.