Multi - dimensional reputation / expertise

Interested in something for Mastodon & Pixelfed but probably many fed clients, around multi dimensional measures of expertise and reputation, so if someone’s a professional (or popular) photographer, or a climate scientist, or a fisherman or artist or videographer, they grow their reputation from recommendations in that specialism. A good scientist may be an awful chef.

My initial thought was from using Pixelfed, where there is a spectrum of photos from poor happy snaps to truly great photos. I thought it would be good if people could, if they chose to, opt into get constructive advice on say, taking a better photo. Asking/allowing others with good reputations would be better and more effective than the blind leading the blind. I thought the multi dimensional reputation idea would avoid the single measure problem of the great scientist pontificating on how to best cook an omelette.

It could be over complex if not thought through but it could also be very helpful. I’d love to discuss with the community. I’m a UX/UI designer, not a coder.
(Also, this is my first post here)

I thought reputation or expertise in a topic I’m interested in would offer a good orthogonal filter, so I could follow great photographers and not be overwhelmed with wave after wave of pet portraits, food porn, holiday snaps, etc