My work schedule for 8-9/2022

The NLNet funding from 2020 is still available, until October 1. I don’t know whether I’ll be looking for more funding after that, but for these 2 months, my (optimistic plan) is as follows:

  • July 31 – August 6: Preparations for working on the funded tasks:
    • Remove “Create” flow from Vervis code
    • Finish research on code review systems
    • Decide if patch trackers will handle ticket features
    • Finish coding Vervis new route system
  • August 7 – August 20: Object Capabilities (S17 & V12)
  • August 21 – September 3: Authorization, roles, groups, permissions (S11 & V11)
  • September 4 – September 17: Opening merge requests (S2 & V3)
  • September 18 – October 1: Merge request lifecycle (S6 & V6)

It’s a tight schedule and I’m okay with not completing everything on time, but I do expect to finish at least half of the funded tasks :slight_smile:

Current Status (as of October 3)

  • Preparations for working on the funded tasks
    • Remove “Create” flow from Vervis code: done
    • Finish research on code review systems: done
    • Decide if patch trackers will handle ticket features: done
    • Finish coding Vervis new route system: done
  • Object Capabilities (S17 & V12): DONE, RfP approved by NLNet, received 1810 EUR
  • Authorization, roles, groups, permissions (S11 & V11): Done only in spec, sent RfP
  • Opening merge requests (S2 & V3): DONE, including a demo, sent RfP
  • Merge request lifecycle (S6 & V6): WIP, basic merging implemented, nothing else so far

NLNet has offered more funds that they still have available, for more tasks to complete in October. They have approved 5000 EUR for the following tasks, which I suggested:

  1. Improve the asynchronous ActivityPub HTTP delivery implementation,
    creating a better and stable federation API
  2. The UI for opening/commenting/closing tickets has been disabled
    recently due to backend changes; I will fix the UI code to match the
    backend’s API and re-enable the UI

Current status (as of October 26): Both tasks complete, sent RfP, the RfP has been approved by NLNet