Im still happy to help however necessary.
Given point 1.:
First I ask the audience about their social media usage, so as to determine what kind of software they’ll be interested in.
I should probably install a burner operating system, as Guix has gaps in terms of federation software.
I expect Debian would be a good all rounder.
Given point 3:
Help with setup, as we discuss specifics and differences.
Is it possible or worth the time to get a bunch of USB thumbdrives with these softwares preinstalled?
It could be a nice gimmick and provide nice momentum for people post event?
Its worth aggregating such information and contexts for installation
Ideally this could be done collectively under this initiative:
If not also additionally, with the usage of the portal
As @aschrijver states, using this repository would be useful:
Indeed, we should collect screenshots.
Perhaps we could create a PixelFed account for the event to store such screenshots (perhaps in parrallel?)?
Given point 4:
Wrap up, taking notes of what to add to the report; post a report here
Was there any interest in doing recording or interviews during the event?
Judging by your updates it sounds more like smaller huddles and pair programming - which is more than fine
Is is possible to adjust the timezone in your previous post to CET - with an emphasis on Brussels
(we dont want people rocking upto Paris in confusion…)