was added this summer to the NGI website as well as this mention on the about page:
The EC announced renewed EU finding for NGI under Horizon Europe. For the period 2021-2022, the EC will dedicate EUR 62m to support top Internet innovators in the areas of Trust and Data Sovereignty on the Internet; Trustworthy Open Search and Discovery; Internet Architecture and Decentralised Technologies; as well as enhanced EU-US and EU-Canada cooperation and collaboration.
With an interesting typo (s/finding/funding/). There is nothing relevant in the news section. Does anyone know where to find more information?
Hi everyone, nice to see you here @anon20068248 (Joost from NLnet ) Or did we talk already here? Too many channels… If I’m reading the text of the NGI-website correctly, the sum of 62m EUR is made up of a number of specific calls, namely HUMAN-10-03 (22m) -04 (12m), -05 (17m), -08 (2m), etcetera. The total of the mentioned calls indeed does not add up to 62m, I think the NGI-site implies some other calls as well.
What more specific information are you looking for? We (NLnet) along with other NGI Zero partners are of course looking to apply to some of these calls and use basically only the pdf mentioned here for reference.
As a beneficiary of NGI funds I was curious to know if it would continue after 2021. The complexity of the machinery above NLnet or DAPSI is beyond me and I’m happy to hear that NLnet has a chance to get more funding from there.
Any time! Indeed there are follow up funds available for specifically NGI0 PET and NGI0 Discovery, along with some other work (https://reviewfacility.eu for example, which we also run). The machinery is indeed (overly) complex, I agree.